Saturday, October 24, 2009

Malia and her 100th lap around the cul-de-sac!

Dustin's Latest and Greatest Achievement

Imagine if we had told her to smile!!

2009Oct - Alana Smiling, originally uploaded by Darrell Manning.

All Dressed Up and Ready for School

2009Oct - Malia Headband, originally uploaded by Darrell Manning.

Mr. Smiley

This is Haven in his crib standing for the first time. He was SO proud of himself! Can you tell?

Haven in his Church Duds

2009Oct - Haven Smiling 2, originally uploaded by Darrell Manning.

My Man Running the 10 Miler

This is Darrell's second year running the 10 miler, and he cut 10 min. off of last year's time! He was flying, and I'm so proud of him!!

Our Little Soccer Star

2009Sep - Soccer Malia 2, originally uploaded by Darrell Manning.

Malia decided to try soccer this year. She basically follows the crowd with no intentions of even getting near the ball for fear of getting knocked down. She keeps a huge smile on her face the whole game.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My babies

2009Sep - Haven Alana, originally uploaded by Darrell Manning.
